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  • #41342
    englandboy – John

    Hey ladies, slow down. My last post was a clue 🙄

    englandboy – John

    @Georgieanna wrote:

    Yeah, England are we working on the people in line or the 4 or 5 letter word? I’m mixed up too now that Peggy reminded me. I think I do that to people!

    Sorry ma`am, you are working on the word.
    The word is 5 letters long. Here`s another clue 😀
    The first letter of the word is pronounced the same as the actual 5 letter word. 😉


    My daughter helped me get the answer 😳
    It’s a British thing 🙂 good riddle!

    One sunny afternoon, three men go for a ride on a hot air balloon over the Sahara desert. An hour into the trip, the balloon begins to lose altitude. A month later, someone finds one of the ballooners laying on the desert sand dead, naked, and holding half a toothpick.
    What happened to him?


    OHHHHH okay, I thought you were posting a seperate question, not giving a clue! Sorry! 😳

    Queue ❓ ❓


    Isn’t it a pigtail? A queue, that is? And what about the people waiting in line? Is that a queue? I’m all queued up! 🙄

    englandboy – John

    Over the pond here in England, a line of folks at a shop is a = queue.
    Sorry for the confusion folks 😉

    As the balloon lost altitude, the men took of their clothes and threw them overboard to decrease the weight of the balloon. The balloon continued to drop so the men drew straws to see who would be forced to jump. The dead man in the desert drew the shortest one (the half toothpick). 😀

    A 6-foot tall Magician had a water glass and was holding the glass above his head. He let it drop to the carpet without spilling a single drop of water.

    How could he manage to drop the glass from a height of six feet and not spill a drop of water? 😯


    Sorry G, I just noticed I posted after you did, somehow I missed that! 😯

    England, people waiting in line is also called a queue here at times. Like when you wait and wait and wait on the phone for a PERSON, you are put in the queue until you get to talk to one! 😆 I had just thought it was a second question and not a clue, sorry!

    England Wrote: A 6-foot tall Magician had a water glass and was holding the glass above his head. He let it drop to the carpet without spilling a single drop of water.

    How could he manage to drop the glass from a height of six feet and not spill a drop of water?

    My Answer: Because the glass was empty?

    englandboy – John

    You`re toooo good ma`am :nana: ➡


    A cop was walking past a restaurant when he heard someone scream – “No John, not the gun!” He ran inside and and saw a doctor, a lawyer, a milkman, and a dead body on the floor. He promptly walked over to the milkman and arrested him. He didn’t witness the shooting and there was no apparent evidence to prove who shot the person and no one told him who the killer was.

    How did the policeman instantly know it was the milkman?


    The milkman had his name on his shirt or a badge?

    englandboy – John

    Okay, I did not get this. Charlie did 😀
    And Charlie asked me to say – before she sees her girlfriends tonight – that I`m not allowed to go next, because I did not answer it myself 😥

    The milkman was the only male. The doctor and lawyer were females, so the cop knew that “John” was the milkman.

    I can`t go next – Charlie will go crazy if I do 😆 😆 😆


    😆 aw go ahead England, we won’t tell. Besides, we all get help from time to time 🙂
    Good job Charlie. Can England come out and play? 🙂


    Sure he can generall, as soon as he wakes up from his day on the prowl with Charlie. 😉


    Yep we sure do all have help, so Charlie, please let England come out and play like G asked too! 😆 😉 Please?

    englandboy – John

    Shhh, OK I`ll go next 😉

    Why is the letter “D” like a sailor?

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