OK….Here goes.
Last night, Jeff was in the next-to-the-last college in the graduating class. They were seated alphabetically. Anyway, when the College of Science and Math was up next, the stupid person announcing the next ones up, screwed up and skipped his college!!! You should’ve seen those kids!!! They were all laughing, and holding their heads and stuff. FINALLY, it was their turn! They all stood up to go up to get their diplomas, and Jeff turned around to look at me, and help his hands up to the sides, like “whathappenedhowstupidaretheyit’sabouttime!!!” Then, Christi, dear mother that she is, yells out at the top of her lungs………
To which, everybody around Christi snickers, and says “oooh!!!” and laughs!!!!
I then realized, to my HUGE embarrasment, that they all thought I meant that it took him forever to get through school!!!!!!
Jeff turned around and looked at me again right after I did it, and I figured he really appreciated me doing that!!!!! I felt like and idiot for doing that to him. When we found each other later, I told him I was sorry………………………………