It’s dry already.The little fine wires in the keboard will be burnt out.It’s in need of a new keboard for a start.Thankfully that appears to be the only problem with it.
I just hope this does not cost too much to fix.I’ll probably have to send it away to get fixed knowing my luck.I had a look but there is nothing I can do to fix it.I can still plug a normal keyboard in it but that’s no going to work to well if I go out somewhere with it haha.I’ll find out next week anyway when I make a few phone calls.
II wish it was my printer this happened to.Still it’s not good when it happens full stop.I have only ever had it happen one other time and that was along time ago.
Yeah I have this one I am using now which is just for everyday crap.I have the 2 servers(1 of which is a spare) and the laptop which is for my business files.