Georgie Wrote I’m very tired and going to take a bath and go to bed, can you make some sort of excuse for me with the rest of our guests, Hattie? Sure, Child, I’ll take care of it, don’t you fret. And with that Hattie was out the door and on her way down to join the others…
Sarah goes into the bathroom, gets into the shower and lets the warm water slowly relax her frayed nerves. Feeling a little better, she steps out, and looks into the mirror, only to find it’s fogged up from the steam. Reaching up to wipe the glass, she steps back in fright as she sees the reflection of Lily hovering near the doorway. Lily! Sarah cried, goodness you gave me a fright! Where in the world have you been? Lily doesn’t say a word, and Sarah steps forward to place a hand on Lily’s shoulder, and at that very moment, Lily just disappears! Sarah just stands there and lets out a scream that could be heard all over the house. Mike comes rushing in, folds Sarah into his arms, and tries his best to comfort her, but Sarah screams even louder! Beth comes into the room to find Mike looking nervous and Sarah trying frantically to pull out of his arms. Mike! Beth cries out, what is going on? Let her go! How did you get here before I did? I was right in the next room! You were supposed to be….