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    You guys are GOOD! Now I’m in suspense!

    Okay, England, Gerogie, where are you two?? ❓

    englandboy – John

    Me? I`m still hiding


    Just as Lily was finally going to tell Sarah the truth about her being there, someone starting banging on the back door. Sarah just throws her hands up in surrender, and goes to open the door to find that old crazy bag lady, Hattie, standing on the porch. It has been rumored that Hattie is crazy for sure, but there are a few people that swear she is a witch! Hattie never looks her best on any given day. She is usually dressed in old baggy clothes, an old cloth worn jacket, and gloves with holes in them, no matter what the weather. Now she looks even worse that ever. Her long stringy grey hair is wild around her head, her eyes are glassy looking, and she is staring so hard at Sarah that it is really freaking Sarah out. Without even waiting for Sarah to invite her in, Hattie points her finger straight at Lily and says….


    Great job Peggy! :salute:
    A new character 😯


    Peggy wrote: Hattie points her finger straight at Lily and says…

    Lily raised her hand, as if to ward off a blow, and then let it drop to her side. I have my reasons, old lady, she said; go back to your woods and potions.


    Yep, a new character! I got the idea from your song post, something about Hattie or Haddie? Can’t exactly remember!

    Great job yourself G, but you always leave me in suspense, and then leave! Okay, ENgland, since Georgie is out of commission a while, help!!


    @Peggy wrote:

    Yep, a new character! I got the idea from your song post, something about Hattie or Haddie? Can’t exactly remember!

    Great job yourself G, but you always leave me in suspense, and then leave! Okay, ENgland, since Georgie is out of commission a while, help!!

    I recognized the name and from where. 🙂 I have to leave you in suspense or I might keep going and post the whole dang story 😆


    😆 Gosh, wish Geogie was better, and England would help! I’m no writer! 😯


    Well, you could have fooled me 🙂 I miss the others too 🙁


    and Sarah turns to see Lily standing in the doorway looking as pale as a ghost. Sarah turns back to look at Hattie, and sees that she is rising from her chair, and moving straight towards Lily, all the while still singing that strange song. Sarah whips her head around to find in shock that Lily’s hair has turned completely white, and she is aging right before her eyes! Sarah takes a step towards Lily, but was stopped by a sharp command from Hattie who said…



    Probably my last spooky story post for awhile. Have some family {mother} to take care of then I’m off on a mini vacation 😀 May pop in from time to time but the stories take longer for my poor brain

    carry on :salute:


    Oh sheesh, here we go again! Georgie! England! Help! I’m skeered! 😥


    Oh My God, she cried! Lily, Hattie, she yelled! Total silence. The house was totally empty, she was alone. She keeps trying to get a grip on herself, and then thinks, the phone, I must get to the phone! I can call a taxi, and be out of here within an hour. She runs to the phone, picks it up, and there is no dial tone! Now what? It is way to far to walk to town, I just don’t know what I am going to do. She sits down in utter defeat, tears rolling down her face, when suddenly she hears….

    englandboy – John

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