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    @Peggy wrote:

    Cool pic England, thanks!

    It’s a good thing Charlie is watching out for you! 😆
    Tell that woman, hello for us, and you both enjoy a lazy day. You both have earned it!

    Absolutely! 🙂

    englandboy – John

    Had breakfast in the garden again today – glorious day 😀

    Going shopping today (I hate shopping 😥 ). Off to the supermarket to buy some food and stuff (I hate shopping 😥 ). Will probably have a bite to eat in a local restaurant (rabbit food again 😆 )
    It really is a glorious day today, the sky is so blue and the sun is so warm, hope you are all having good weather also.
    This weather sure makes me feel great – better than rain or snow. I feel like going for a long walk in the countryside, Charlie`s laughing saying I could not walk to the end of our garden without getting out of breath 🙄 🙄 😆

    I dreamt last night that I was sitting in a restaurant eating a nice juicy steak

    I was so unhappy when I woke this morning to find out it was only a dream 😆 😆 😆
    The Ministry Of Defence in this country have been ridiculed, and so they should:
    The 15 sailor who were held hostage by the Iranians then released were told by the M.O.D. that they were allowed to sell their story to the Press/TV. There was such an outrage by families who had lost sons and daughters in Iraq & Afghanisitan, that the M.O.D. changed their minds and stopped them selling their stories.
    The stupid M.O.D. has now put a black mark against the proud Royal Navy and the Admirals are not very happy with the M.O.D.

    Ain`t this a funny old world 😀

    Okay, time for my medication, so I`ll catch you all later 😀

    By the way, did I say “I hate shopping 😆 “


    Hey England, sorry about the shopping and the dream going sour on you…seemed like a nice dream but it is a little out your league right now. My daughter said the American Heart Association Cookbook is a good one although I don’t exactly know what your Dr. has ordered for you in the way of foods to eat. Anyway, you can make shopping fun, just get it out of your head that it’s a chore. Trust me, almost anything can be made to be fun! 😉

    englandboy – John

    A glorious morning, real glorious. The weatherman says we are in for a mini-heatwave
    Absolutely no wind, no clouds a real nice morning. Going to have breakfast in the garden again to day Later on today a friend of ours is driving us out into the countryside for lunch in a real old fashioned countryside pub. I`ll be eating rabbit-food 😆
    I`m looking forward to it and I might even sneak a pint or two 😉

    It is so quiet this morning, so peaceful, all we can hear are the birds singing and twittering

    OK folks, time for breakfast, catch you all later today :salute:

    englandboy – John

    It`s now 8.25pm over here, and we have a brilliant sunset.
    It just looks like a massive Orange. All the different colours bouncing off the few clouds in the sky. It really is something to behold 8)

    Below is not an actual photo, just a guide as to what the sunset looks like tonight.


    Beautiful England, I’m glad your weather has changed!

    You may not be able to eat steak, but at least you have the beautiful sunset! 😉


    Wow, I’d love to have that for my desktop! That’s beautiful, England!! 🙂

    englandboy – John

    Another glorious morning, I`ve had breakfast and now I`m going for a little walk in the glorious sunshine
    Then it`s off to church, catch you later – alligator 😀


    :rofl: Have a good day, England! You deserve it!

    englandboy – John

    Yesterday was such a good day, great weather and all.
    Today is a bit grumpy 🙁 cloud has hidden the sun, it`s still warm but those clouds look a little threatening.
    There`s no wind – well there is, but it is not much of a wind 😕
    It`s now 10.37am and I`ve not had my medication yet – I`d better take it before Charlie finds out or I`ll get shouted at 😆 😆 😆

    All the kids around here are back at school, and it is so, so quiet

    I watched a film last night with Clint Eastwood & Meryl Streep
    “The Bridges of Madison County”

    It was a good film, we both enjoyed it. There were times when I saw Charlie wiping away a tear or two. She gets so emotional at times, bless her.
    What`s the TV like where you live? Over here it is all soaps and stupid reality shows.
    I like a good `wildlife` programme, or a good `documentary` and I love watching my favourite sport Football (soccer).
    My team `Newcastle United` have had a pretty terrible season, but hopefully with some new players, next season should be better (I hope).


    Gee England, you’d love it over here. Personally I think there are too many sports programs on TV. When we got ESPN I thought, Oh boy now the channels will have regular programs and all the sports will be on ESPN! Ha! That could be further from the truth. There are more sports than ever. Don’t you have Discovery channels there? You ought to be interested in those programs. I find many of them great programming. I also like PBS, which is Public Broadcasting System. They have children’s shows during the day and adult shows in the evening. Kinda cultural but many are quite entertaining. Right now I’m listening/watching MSNBC regarding the shooting in Virginia at Va. Tech. I love that station and especially Hardball with Chris Mathews. We also have soaps and reality so don’t feel alone. I have to admit though, I’ve watched Survivor since it came on about 8 years ago. 😳 You ought to come over with Charlie and visit us. We can all meet at a specialized location and get to know each other. Wouldn’t that be great? 😀


    I agree it would be great for this bunch to meet someday. It’s so good we are able to touch base on this site 😀

    englandboy – John

    Ladies, I would LOVE to spend time in your company in the good old U S of A.
    If my lottery ever comes lucky, my feet would not touch the ground. Charlie and I would be over to see you all quicker than you could blink 😉
    The one thing I would love – Charlies not too sure – would be to taste some of your good food and listen to some good old country/cajun music 😀

    I do have music cd`s with cajun/country music. But I would love to be at a night when all you guys chill out and enjoy life :nana: :rock: :beer: :beer:

    Some times over here, a bunch of us used to go to the coast/beach and have a BBQ on the sand – watching out for the police – and we used to have a great time, all the way through to sometimes like 6am.

    Boy those were the days.
    Women, drink – lots of drink 🙄 – , singalongs, great times 😀
    We used to have a big fire on the beach and lots of people knew about it and would bring their own food/drink, and it was always a great night.
    Sometimes the police knew what was happening, but they would stay away, because they knew we did no damage and were just enjoying ourselves.

    Ahh, memories. So long ago 😥

    Hey, there are times when I look back on my life, and you know what? I would not change it for a million pounds (dollars).
    Heck ma`am you`ve got me nearly in tears here 😀

    Now, I`m very happy with my life. I`ve been given a second chance and I aim to make use of every single minute 😉

    And what makes my life even better is………

    Go on have a guess………….

    Have a guess………………….

    It`s my CHARLIE!
    She is special 😉


    That’s So heartwarming, England! I’m glad about your past life and even happier about your feelings for Charlie, cause she sounds like a wonderful person. I’d so like to meet you both one day, as I’m sure I’m speaking for all of us on the board. 😀

    englandboy – John

    Well, thankyou ma`am.

    OK, it`s now 8.25pm over the pond here in little `ol England, it`s time for my medication – again – Charlie is looking at me real weird 😀

    So I have to go ladies & gentlemen.
    It`s been great as usual, I love you all, take care and have a good day

    :salute: :wave:

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