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    Well I live in the Wasatch Front which is part of the Rockies so we usually see quite a bit of snow in the valley during the winter and a lot in the mountains from late fall through spring. The skiers love it.


    That may be beautiful, but I have ice cubes in my veins, so I don’t know if I could take that kinda cold. Give me 80 degree temperatures and I’m quite happy! 😀


    You gonna be REAL happy come July here in LA, Georgie!!!! 😯 😆


    I much prefer the heat over the cold too. Unless of course my AC isn’t working 😆

    englandboy – John

    Listening to music by `Eva Cassidy` whilst on my PC. It is terrible outside today. Black clouds real heavy rain and it is freezing cold.

    Should all change by May I hope, then into June July it should be really hot – or so the weather forcasters have promised 😕

    I`ve dragged some old photos out of the cupboard last night of where I used to live when I was only 5 years old – so long ago ha, ha. – the winters then back in the 1950`s were real humdingers.
    I`ll scan them and post them soon. The snow was so deep, if I had ventured outside I would have disappeared in 9ft deep snow. I can remember we used to have a great time on the hills with our sleighs and used to build massive snowmen – with help from our parents of course.

    But, I have to admit, I like the hot weather – I`m an old softie at heart 😆

    OMG! it`s rabbit food again today – I`m sure one day I`ll start hopping round the house what with all the greens I`m eating…………
    I`d love to sit down to a large juicy steak, ahhhhhh

    Just heard that the French have broken the record for the fastest train.
    They`ll probably use it for when they run away from any conflicts 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    All the kids over here are on holiday for one week – don`t where they`ve gone, there are none to be seen, it`s so quiet, eerie 😯

    Well folks it`s time for my meal, so I`ll catch y`all later :wave:


    The kids have probably found a nice warm sandy beach to escape to for the Easter holidays. Thank God that wasn’t popular yet when my girls were teens!
    England, you know the salads are better for you than any old steak. You can use herbs to spice them up so that they taste really good. I’ll ask my daughter to recommend one. She’s an RN on the CCU floor of the hospital here. 😀

    englandboy – John

    Thankyou ma`am :salute: 😀

    englandboy – John

    Wow, what a great day. The sky is a lovely blue, no clouds, no wind, really warm. The kids are all out playing & laughing, having a great time.
    People are washing their cars, mowing the lawns, painting fences.
    It`s amazing what the sun can do to people.
    I had my breakfast in the garden today – makes a change from all the rain & cold weather we`ve experienced lately. The sun sure does make people happy, everyone that walked by this morning said a cheerful `good morning`.
    I hope the weather is as good where you are today

    It`s my friends mothers 60th birthday on Sunday, and we`ve been invited to the party at a local beer club. I`ve been given orders by Charlie that I`m only allowed to stay for 2 hours 😕 then we go home – ain`t she sweet 😉


    Ain’t she looking out for her England!
    Have a great time 🙂


    Well, looks like we got your weather England, and you got our sun! 😆

    It turned cold and nasty here for the last few days. It WAS in the high 80’s in the day, and in the 60’s at night, NOW it was somewhere in the 60’s for the high today, and low 30’s tonight, with rain and possible sleet! 😯 😯 I’m freezing!

    You have a great time England, and you know Charlie is looking out for you! Hi Charlie! :wave:

    englandboy – John

    It`s another glorious day. We`ve got a little bit of cloud, but the sun is out and it`s very warm.
    It does seem like you`ve got my bad weather over there now Peggy 😕
    I`ve just been reading through the TV magazine and guess what? There is nothing worth watching today.
    And it`s party night tonight 😆 8) But only for a few hours 😥

    Monday we`ve got friends round for a BBQ if the weather is OK. I`ve got to cut the lawn first (orders 😉 )
    Last night my PC went crazy and had a crazy spell. It was like something out of the X-Files 😆 😆 😆
    I had everything backed up on my external hard drive, so I didn`t lose anything and I`ve just done a new back-up onto dvd disc.

    Astronomy picture of the day is real neat: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/

    Use the scroll from left to right, the view is fantastic, you`ll be on top of the world, honestly 😉



    Happy Easter, England & Charlie! Hope y’all enjoy your holiday. 😀
    So glad someone’s has our beautiful warm weather! 🙂


    AWESOME picture England!

    englandboy – John

    Thankyou ma`am. 😀

    Lots of food and some great people. Started off drinking fresh orange juice – under orders – finished off with two glasses of my favourite beer :beer:
    Charlie and I left at about 9.15pm – I didn`t want to go home, but I had to get my medication 😥

    Funny sort of day today, cloudy, a slight breeze but still warm 😀

    I`m going to have a real lazy day today (Easter Monday), I`m going to do nothing, zilch, zero, just listen to my favourite music and chill out :rock:
    Have a nice day y`all and don`t do anything that means `work` 😉 :wave:


    Cool pic England, thanks!

    It’s a good thing Charlie is watching out for you! 😆
    Tell that woman, hello for us, and you both enjoy a lazy day. You both have earned it!

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