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    @englandboy – John wrote:

    @Georgieanna wrote:

    Yeah, I’d certainly like to see a picture of you England. It’s great you can get out, the exercise is good for you. WHO SAID THAT?

    OK, I`m back at the pub on Friday, I`ll get one of my friends to take a photo of this old guy, and I`ll post here.
    But I warn you, I ain`t no young guy no more 😉

    That pub look’s alot like some I have been in around my area. I love that atmosphere!!! 😆 😀 😛

    Hope all is well!

    englandboy – John

    What a change in the weather today – cold, damp, horrible dark clouds overhead 😥
    I hope it changes for the good by Friday. If it does not, then I`ll not be going to the pub on Friday, can`t take the chance of catching a virus or something horrible 😯

    Salmon for lunch today with some nice salad finished off with apple pie and fresh cream, mmm, mmmmm 😀

    David C

    Orange juice…. Good

    Salmon……..Very Good
    Salad………..Very Good
    Apple Pie……OK in small doses
    Cream………,BIG NO NO

    But hey a chap has to have some fun in life

    Keep well and follow the doc’s orders

    Love to Charlie..

    Tuna is good as well!!!!!!! 😀 😀

    englandboy – John

    englandboy – John


    😀 Happy Friday to you England!!!

    I hope the weather there is nice enough for you to get out today. I know you can go bonkers holded up in the house. That’s how I went mad! 🙄


    @Georgieanna wrote:

    😀 Happy Friday to you England!!!

    I hope the weather there is nice enough for you to get out today. I know you can go bonkers holded up in the house. That’s how I went mad! 🙄

    Oh is that how? I’ve alaways wondered 😆 {I was born that way.shock:}

    England, sounds like you’re eating well at least. Who is the cook usually? You are Charlie?
    Hang in there, the weather has got to change sooner or later. We have a saying where I live…If you don’t like the weather..wait a minute 🙄


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Funny, they have the same saying where I live too…. 😕


    Happy Friday England!

    Cheer up, like G said, it can’t last forever!

    englandboy – John

    When the sun shines over here, we get our coats, because it`s soon going to rain 😆 😆

    Today is not too bad, heavy clouds, but it is warm – well nearly warm 🙂

    I can`t make up my mind whether to go out today or just stay in the house. I might stay in and watch the football live on TV – or I could watch it at the pub. Decisions, decisions, decisions :duh:

    englandboy – John

    Remember this folks…………… 😯


    8) 8) 8)


    Indeed I do.
    great photo 🙂


    Yeah, they were pretty, G. England, that’s the nicest one of them all. I think those pictures are still in Chit Chat.

    englandboy – John

    Well it`s back to rabbit food again. Lettuce, celery, spring onion, fresh tomatoes, cucumber, baked potatoes.
    Today I found out that I can`t eat grapefruit or drink it`s juice 😯 It`s to do with the medication I`m taking, weird huh? 😕

    Today is one of those funny days, the sky is hazy but threatens rain, it`s warm but not that inviting outdoors.
    I suppose it could be worse, it could be raining really heavy.
    I can`t remember the last time I witnessed a real good old thunderstorm – except for when I was at sea. Even the winters are mild these days, nothing like the winters I can remember as a kid, it used to snow for weeks and weeks and all transport came to a stop untill they could clear the roads, railways & airports.
    As a kid I used to love it – the schools closed also 😉 😆

    I`ve got a lot of work to do today on the PC for my friends – not hard work 😉 – printing out photo`s and files, nothing strenuous 😆

    I know it`s Monday, but I hope y`all have a great day :cheerleader:


    Gee, I think I can count the times we had snow on 1 hand……. 🙂

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