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  • #59112

    I decided it wasn’t going to rain today so I was going to break up my garden for fall planting,so I broke out the Troy walkbehind and started tilling. That didn’t work. I fought that thing for about 15 to 20 min. and didn’t get anywhere in that cement, so I got my tractor, hooked up my tiller and went to work. It looked like a West Texas dust storm behind that tractor. I figure after I get it planted, it will take about 1,000 gal. of water or more to get the garden damp.


    Oh man that’s a lot of water!! We are having to water some of the stuff at work twice a day now!! Job security, but it is awful hot standing over wet gravel and asphalt!!


    I sure wish you guys would get some rain! I would send you ours if I could!


    I’ve been watching you get all the rain on the radar!!


    Yep, it’s August, Louisiana, what else can I say?? 😆 Just hope we don’t get any hurricanes this year!


    Just to keep everyone up on the news from down here in Southeast Tx., I was talking to a friend at the coffee shop this am and he had heard we may get a norther in some time this week. It was going to drop the temp. down to about 95. Still hot and dry so far. I need just a little bit of Peggy’s showers to make my pastures happy. BH


    So sorry you aren’t getting much rain. Here in Minnesota
    it rains every other day. Which is frustrating for me because
    my dog is afraid of thunder and breaks into the house. We
    call her demon dog when I storm hits. Will be praying
    you will get some of our rain.



    We have been short on rain this yr., ususlly we get more rain during the summer than what we have got this time. The temp. is about 2 to 4 degrees warmer than usual also. BH


    The front just passed through here. At work they got 1 1/2 inches in 20 minutes. At home, nothing, nada, not squat!! Just a lot of lightning and thunder!! Temp. fell from 99 to 85 in 15 minutes. But it’s over and gone now!! 😕
    Maybe it will bring you some rain Bobby!!


    Maby you’ll get a little lingering shower to help you out.


    Nah, it’s all gone kapoot!!


    A little off the subject, but I finished rowing up and fertlizing my garden Sunday after church. So Mon. eve. after my wife got in from work we went in to town to Wal Mart which is about 10 mi. from home. I told her I would meet her at the garden center to pick up some seed and plants. Guess what, sold out. Found the wife and told her lets go to Lowe’s, got there, guess what, sold out. Too late to get to Tractor Supply already closed. I guess with the rising of food costs we’re having a lot more veg. gardening going on. I have been raising a garden for many years, usually I order my seed out of my seed cat., but didn’t this time. Shame on me. BH

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