The weather is so weird. Rain where you don’t want it and too much dryness when we need rain. No matter when or how much I water {and the times are restricted} my yard is suffering. I have given up on my back yard. I water it only enough to keep it from being a fire hazard. Hey on the positive side, it cuts down on how often it needs mowing.
We are supposed to get a break soon from the 3 digit temps.
I just saw on the news that flash floods are warned for So. Utah if they do indeed get rain. from fire to floods. 😯
Utah usually is low humidity nothing like you guys have in your areas. But when it does climb and you are used to it being dry, it’s still miserable. The skies are thick with dark clouds but so far no rain. Hope the weatherman mean it this time. It is south of here that is supposed to get rain too and we all need it. Heres hoping.
And I’m sure you have had you fill of it. South of here where most of the fires have been is getting some rain and because it has been so dry and foliage gone, they are at risk from flash flooding.
Stay positive Texas, like I keep reminding myself. 🙂
Okay, all together now!!! Rain rain, go away, give some to G!! G, I know you need rain, but I am sooooo sick of it here. We aren’t getting all the rain like Texas has, but we have had our fair share of it. Every dang day. Yesterday I went to Wally World, it was sunshine, I came out, and it was storming, again! 😥