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    Hi Peggy!!!

    Is this your forum? I didn’t know who it belonged too or who created it, but what a good idea.

    Some of the other cooking sites, you have to pay to be a member or pay to be able to view a recipe.

    I have to admit it took some getting use to. I am so use to yahoo groups and all posts coming to my Outlook Express, I get lost on most forums. 😆

    http://www.photobucket.com is free all you need to do is register and you can upload photos there. Its usually where I upload tags I make for people.

    There is another place too, I think its called Fotki or something like that. I notice there you create albums. So when you give the link to your album people can view everything in the album.

    With Photobucket, you have to give out a link to each image which can be more of a hassle. But hey, its free, so you cant really complain much. 😉


    Hi Sarah, yep, I am the madness behind this board! 😆 But, if it wasn’t for my members, it wouldn’t be much of a board! I have been blessed to have so many wonderful people here, and consider all of you friends, not just a name! I wish we could all meet up one day and have a HUGE party! :nana:

    No, I don’t charge anything for this board, shoot, I need to actually PAY my members for all the hard work they do here! (Wish I could afford to!) Yep, I know what you mean about Yahoo groups. They are the “big boys” I am just a little fish in a big pond, make that an ocean! 😆 They send out messages in email everytime someone makes a post if you choose to do it that way. I can only send out a mass email when I want to send a message to everyone, such as a newsletter. 😥

    This board is run off a program called PHP, and I pay a host “X” amount of money a month to run it, along with the regular website. But PHP can eat up a lot of space, and that is why I can’t offer an image album. I have already upgraded 3 times since I have had this board. Can’t afford to upgrade any more! 😥 😥

    BUT, you can include an image here in your posts. You need to use the IMG tag in your posts. It can be a little tricky. If you need some help, just ask, and we will try and help to get it posted. I know it is probably a lot different than what you are used to.

    Have a wonderful weekend, and I am glad you back!


    Yep, Peggy is the madness behind this board and I am so thankful for that madness. 🙂 She and Lucky and so many others put so much time and effort to keep it going. I found it during a time when I was feeling lost and it has been home ever since. 😀


    Hi Peggy and Generall,

    This board is great, I felt welcomed from the first time I posted.

    Peggy its great that you keep it going for us, ” thank you”.

    I cant even make a webpage so all this is something I know little about.

    Hey Generall, your avatar looks good on you. I was worried that maybe the file was too large to fit on the site. I noticed its not animated, and I think I made the frame animate. Doesnt matter, Im just glad you liked it.

    Peggy if you want one, just let me know what you like and I will make you one.

    Im having company tomorrow so I probably wont be around to post, thought I would check in now just on case.

    Still doing my web graphics class, trying to get use to their board as well.

    So using the IMG, what size image can be posted and is there a way to delete it afterwards so it does not eat into your storage space here?


    Thanks for the great words everyone!

    Sarah, you can post any size image, but it has to be online somewhere, and it has to be okay in order to post them, so it doesn’t infringe on copyrights. If it’s you own, it’s no problem at all.

    What you do is, click on the “IMG” in your post here, then post the url, then click the “close tags.” Should show up. Most images end in gif, or jpg.

    If you have any problems, just holler and we will try and get it posted.

    If it turns out to be really HUGE, we can delete it if we have to.[/img]


    Actually it was the first one you sent me that was animated{cat on scales} which I love but this one seemed the easiest to use for an avatar{which it was) and I thank you again. 🙂

    Have a nice day and hurry back.


    My first one was too big Sarah and the second one with Snow White, this site won’t take and it should but I couldn’t even get my Tinkerbell back on once I took it off. 😕


    Good evening ladies :wave:

    I wanted to drop by and post really quick. I had company for diner and they just left. I had only 4 hours sleep and was up cooking again at 8 am so Im pretty beat.

    Peggy, thank you for the explaination. I will give it a try sometime.

    Generall, I have to double check, but Im almost possitive your frame was animated on this avatar. Not that it matters, but I just am curious as thats what I remembered creating. I know this site takes animations because I had animated the image of my pommie and it took.

    Georgie, I will either resize yours or make you another one. Im sorry your old one is not taking now. Thats strange, if it worked before it still should. Let me know what you would like as the image and I will make something special for you. 😆

    Peggy? is the site still set up to take GIF for avatars?

    Have a goodnight, Im sorry to post and run, but I can barely keep my eyes open. I think my Fibromyalgia is acting up, I feel as though I was run over and then backed over again. LOL

    Will be back again tomorrow.



    Hi Sarah, yes, the avatars can be either .gif or .jpg

    Hope you feel better, I think everyone here has had that “run over by a truck” feeling more than a few times! 😆


    Yes, it’s a b_tch!


    I think I over did it with the company. Between grocery shopping, cleaning house and cooking, I am still feeling it.

    I have the condition called “Fibromyagia” and I seem to still be in a flareup.

    I think I need the license of that truck that hit me. LOL

    Its good to know about the gif, some sites do not allow gif or animation avatars. My graphic forum seems to only allow jpg. I uploaded my gif, but its not animated.. strange..

    Hey Georgie, cute avatar! If you can post your old avatar using the IMG where I can download it, I will check the file size and optimize it and maybe it will work again.

    Is there a way to use PM msgs so I can give out my email addy? Would rather not post it in the public forum, I worry about getting spam emails.

    Hope you all have a good day. Im going to answer some emails and then lie down again 🙁

    Hope to have a recipe to post soon.

    Looks around….

    Where is everyone?

    Hey Old CooT where are you?

    Generallllllllllllllllll where are youuuuuuuuu? LOL

    Hey Peggy, you need to put out an APB, I think some members are missing 😆


    Sarah, they’re not missing. Just look in fun games if nowhere else, there’ll be there. Lucky & Peggy are all over the place and I mean that literally! G too. They have parents they care for and take places. I wish I still had mine to do that for. 😥 OC is a steady fella, always here. I love them all. Anything you wanna do to an avartar is fine with me. You can use the PM’s to give people your email address but Peggy & Lucky get rid of spam ASAP. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I don’t know anything about your illness but I have a friend with Multiple Scerolis (sp) and I know it can be hard when it strikes. 😕


    Yep Sarah, I’m here. You take care of you!! Feel better.


    Hey Georgie,

    I had a few mins before I have to go run some errands, I wanted to see if the animated avatar works.

    So Im going to post with your Avatar to test it, if it works, later on today I will add your name to it and either post it so you can right click and save or you can download it at a link.

    If this works, I will then fix Generalls as well and who ever else may want an avatar.

    *waves hi to Peggy and Generall if your around*



    Hey it worked!! Great!

    Ok Gerogie, you can right click and save this avatar if you want. Later today I am going to try and add your name to it and will post that one as well.

    If anyone else here would like an avatar, just tell me what image you like or if you have an avatar and want it animated, let me know.

    Georgie, if you know how to post images using the IMG tag above, post your old avatar so I can fix it for you to use again on the site.

    Be back later today or this evening, not sure which, having company later today so when ever I can get back to the PC I will return.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Sarah 🙂

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