Hey Lucky, nothing really exciting going on (no cults yet) just been working a lot and having limited time to play. I’m out if the medical profession completely for now and back in retail management working for Babies R Us. Now I get to see life beginning instead ending I really needed a break after all the years. Still out searching for good eats and enjoying the good restaurants. I don’t get to cook that often any more but always in search of the perfect recipe that we can make better, you know what I mean. I see you guys have been doing a lot of posting, looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. Hope to be back soon.
………..Did my Duty in Retail management as well; An early incarnation of the “Home Center”……had to bail………… couldn’t reconcile the 60-hour work week with my family life.
Good Luck, Norm!
as they say in the text-messaging world, KIT