Fun Games
Fun Games: Play fun games here! Our fun games include, cooking word game, ABC's of fall game, the ingredient game, word game, never ending spooky story, song game, what movie game, never ending save the princess story, word association game, keep one drop one game, riddles and puzzles, what year did it happen, and more.
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14 years, 9 months ago
Read and add funny jokes here
Read and add funny jokes here: Come in and have a laugh or two with these funny jokes! Have a favorite joke? Please share it! Our funny jokes include, what's your Southern sign, Boudreaux was dying, Sunday school, general boudreaux walks his dog, wrong email address, a halloween tale, the land of sandra dee, the tale of jim and edna, Southerners and Yankees, mountain moving faith, Boudreaux and the Priest, duck feed, country doctor, man of the house, old lady, harold the computer guy, and much more!
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13 years, 1 month ago
Read and add funny stories.
Funny Stories: Come in and read funny stories! Have something funny or embarrassing that has happened to you or someone you know? Please share it with us!
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16 years, 3 months ago
Funny Food Poems
Funny food poems: Food poems that are really funny. Poems that will make you laugh. Poems that are related to food and cooking. Diet food poems, kids food poems, vegetable food poems, etc. Come in and browse our poems. Feel free to add you own.
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13 years ago
Member’s Poetry
It's come to my attention that some of our members write poetry, so we are creating this forum for those of you that would like to share your poems with us! . Please sign your poems and add a copyright to them. Please respect each person's poem . If someone posts their original poems, they belong to them, and are not for reprint without their permission. Also, please remember this is a family friendly forum!
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16 years, 8 months ago