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    Any of several varieties of flounder, the dab is a small flatfish with a sweet, lean, firm flesh. It can be prepared in any manner suitable for flounder.

    [DI-kuhn, DI-kon]
    From the Japanese words dai (large) and kon (root), this vegetable is in fact a large Asian radish with a sweet, fresh flavor.



    Clay bakeware that is glazed with a hard, nonporous coating. If high-fired, the earthenware is hard; lowfiring produces soft, fragile ware. Because of its inherent ability to release heat slowly, earthenware is favored for dishes requiring lengthy cooking such as baked beans and stews.

    earth nut
    Another name for the peanut.

    Egg Ring
    A round, bottomless, stainless steel ring, sometimes with a vertical handle, in which an egg can be poached or fried. The ring keeps the egg perfectly round during cooking. It’s removed before the egg is served

    Egg Scissors
    Used to remove the top of soft-cooked eggs, this circular gadget has a scissors-style handle. It’s positioned over the top of the egg and, when the handle is operated, a ring of “teeth” or a ringed blade clips off the top third of the eggshell.

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