Home Forums Volume Cooking For Crowds Pork, Ham recipes for a crowd Barbecue Pork Spareribs 40 – 50

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    Barbecue Pork Spareribs
    40 pounds pork spare ribs
    (12 ounces of fresh ribs per person)
    2 cups vinegar
    2 gallons barbecue sauce (mild)
    1/2 gallon of 1-2-3 basting solution (see recipe)

    Place strips of pork ribs into a deep pot or large Dutch oven. Add the vinegar and cover. Steam or simmer for 2-1/2 to three hours or until fork tender. Build a hot charcoal fire, then remove ribs from the pot and brown over fire, basting frequently with solution to prevent burning. When the meat is amber brown, baste liberally with barbecue sauce and remove from fire immediately to a covered dish. Cover the ribs with sauce. Hold 15 minutes and serve. Serves 50.

    1-2-3 Basting Sauce
    one part vinegar
    two parts oil
    three parts water
    salt to taste

    Mix well and use immediately, while oil is still dispersed, refreshen with a whisk.

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