Baked Ham
100 Portions
Portions: 2 Slices (4 Ounces)
Pan Size: 18 by 24-inch Roasting Pan
30 lb. ham, cooked, boneless
5 tbsp. (1 oz) cloves, whole
2 qt. (3 lb) sugar, brown
1 1/2 qt. vinegar
2 cups (8 oz) bread crumbs, dry
Split casing and peel from ham; place ham in pans. Insert meat thermometer in a ham. Do not add water, do not cover. Bake 2 hours at 325 degrees F. or until meat thermometer registers 130 degrees F. Remove from oven. Stick cloves into ham about 1 inch apart. Mix sugar and vinegar; pour over ham. Sprinkle crumbs over ham. Bake at 400 degrees F. 30 minutes or until meat thermometer registers 140 degrees F. Let stand 20 minutes before slicing.
NOTE: 1. Racks, if available, may be used.
2. If hams are frozen, cooking time will be increased about 1 hour.